/Antiscia are symmetries around the seasonal turning points (aka Cardinal Axis) ~ reflections falling equidistant around the Solstice and Equinox. They are mirroring points, sometimes referred to as SHADOWS.
reflections of equal light around the solstice points
Planets and points in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect one another across the cardinal axis. The cardinal axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: zero degrees of each of the four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun. As the earth orbits the Sun, it is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic (the sun's path from our perspective, a.k.a. tropical zodiac) and the earth's equator.
Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Much like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect, conjunction or midpoint, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial or mundane statement: a statement for the world that is relevant for all the earth’s inhabitants. Therefore, planets in antiscia provide mundane insights into the energy of the day, week, or month.
Antiscia also enrich natal, dynamic, and relationship chart delineations.
Find additional notes on antiscia here...
Twelfth century philosopher and astrologer Ibn Ezra wrote: “You always have to look at degrees that are of the same ascension. An example is when one planet is 10 degrees Aries and the other is at 20 degrees Pisces, so the distance of both of them from the Line of Justice [equinox axis] is equal and they are considered as being in conjunction.”
To use the list of antiscia below, blend the meanings of planets in combination.
For help with delineation of planetary pairs, you may want to utilize books I reference on this page — or use an online resource like this one by John Sandbach — or simply apply your basic astrological knowledge of the planets. You can think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions. You may take interpretations further by adding nuance via shared or reflected essential dignity and reception. You may also consider combined house meanings: look to where planets in antiscia are posited, as well as interactions between the planets as house rulers, and blend those house themes.
All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less (i.e., they are very close to exact).
Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it resides at zero degrees cardinal (or 29 mutable) and ought to feature prominently that day).
Those with *c indicate contra-antiscia: symmetries around the Aries/Libra (equinox) axis—signs of equal rising. These are just as powerful as antiscia.
Those without *c are antiscia. Signs of equal power and light (sharing quantity of light).
Jan 1 2022 : Node Mercury + Chiron Neptune
Due to a phenomenon known mostly through Vedic astrology (Jyotish), the long-standing Kala Sarpa Yoga is in effect and so there is less antiscia (shared light) contacts for the first half of the year. (There will be plenty of contra-antiscia reflections however, those of shared time, i.e., ascension.) Kala Sarpa Yoga happens when all planets are positioned on one side of, and between, the north and south lunar nodes. This chain of entrapment, if you will, began in mid December 2021 and will last into late April 2022. This is the third and final round of KSY. The first go began in late February 2020 (yes, at the start of the global pandemic). Round two was late December 2020 to late March 2021.
Kala Sarpa Yoga is thought to reflect times of global chaos and great change. We saw several rounds of it in the very early 1980s. In natal astrology it operates as a total wildcard.
For the whole month of January you will note Chiron in contra-antiscia to Neptune (as it was for much of 2021). It perfects mid-month January, 19th through 21st, and will resolve in February and will not return.
Month / Day
12 / 31 - 1 / 1 Node Mercury communicating and interacting with others
1 / 3-5 Sun Mars activity, assertion, directness, vigor; the worker, the fighter, the activist
1 / 19—21 Node Sun making contact with others
1 / 24 Mars (0 CAPRICORN) assertion, competition, friction, virility, force
1 / 24, 25 Node Mercury communicating and interacting with others
1 / 1 — 2 / 4 (exact 19, 20, 21) Chiron Neptune *c vulnerability, tenderness, healing potential, a need to overcome unrealistic idealism
2 / 6, 7, 8 Sun Uranus *c revolution, excitement, awakening, freedom; the innovator
2 / 17, 18 Node Mercury communicating and interacting with others
2 / 19 - 3 / 4 (exact 25, 26, 27) Saturn Uranus *c tension, out with the old in with the new
3 / 8, 9, 10 Sun Chiron *c deeper healing processes, light on vulnerability
3 / 10—14 Node Venus Mars conj. sexual, passionate, and creative connections with others
3 / 18—24 Jupiter Chiron *c encourage healing as an act of social justice
3 / 20 Sun (0 ARIES) distinction and vitality
3 / 24, 25 Venus Uranus *c original spontaneous adventurous love
3 / 24, 25 Sun Mercury *c thinking, sharing, understanding
3 / 27 Mercury (0 ARIES) comments, rumors, discussions
3 / 26, 27 Sun Neptune *c psychic sensitivity, spiritual light
3 / 28, 29, 30 Mars Uranus *c an original rhythm and expression, freedom and revolution
3 / 29, 30 Sun Jupiter *c contentment, joy, a feeling of success
3 / 30 Mercury Neptune *c dreamy thinking, poets and artists
3 / 31 Mercury Jupiter *c expanded philosophical thinking, and much sharing
Mercury/Jupiter and Chiron in contra-antiscia at the time of the Aries ingress EQUINOX
4 / 8, 9 Mercury Venus *c sweet speech, thinking about relationships or art
4 / 11, 12 Sun Venus *c (during Jupiter Neptune conj. 24 Pisces) love, appreciation, harmony, the artist
4 / 11, 12 Mercury Mars *c logical thought, debate, the critic
4 / 13, 14 Mercury Saturn *c deep thinking, slow mental processes, the philosopher
4 / 17, 18 Sun Mars *c activity, assertion, vitality; the worker, fighter, activist
4 / 19, 20, 21 Venus Chiron *c seeing beauty in all things, especially in the things which require healing
4 / 25, 26 Sun Saturn *c seriousness, sobriety, concentration, separation
4 / 30 - 5 / 2 Mercury Pluto *c researcher, fanatical or persuasive speech, the poison pen
5 / 2 Venus (0 ARIES) power of attraction, aesthetic taste
5 / 3, 4 Venus Jupiter *c indulgence, great happiness, and glory of love
5 / 4, 5, 6 Mars Chiron *c inspired assertiveness, transforming destructive impulses
5 / 6, 7 Venus Neptune *c the beautiful dream
5 / 6—16 Jupiter (0 ARIES) *ingress on 5/10 optimism, tolerance, a sense of entitlement
5 / 10, 11, 12 Venus Mars *c = Jupiter strong physical attraction, creatively passionate
5 / 18, 19, 20, 21 Mercury Pluto *c researcher, fanatical or persuasive speech, the poison pen
5 / 21, 22 Mars Jupiter *c successful action, urge for activity
5 / 21, 22, 23 Sun Pluto *c willpower and ambition, impulse toward renewal, the psychologist
5 / 23, 24, 25 Mars (0 ARIES) assertion, competition, friction, virility, force
5 / 30 - 6 / 1 Mars Neptune *c creative vitality, uneven energy reserves
5 / 30 - 6 / 2 Venus Saturn *c a love of the old and/or broken, beauty and integrity
6 / 1—13 (exact 6, 7) Jupiter Neptune *c dreams come true, expanded metaphysics, mercy, pipe-dreams, spiritual materialism, visionaries, speculators
6 / 14, 15, 16 Mercury Pluto *c researcher, fanatical or persuasive speech, the poison pen
6 / 20 Sun (0 CANCER) Happy Solstice! distinction and vitality
6 / 23, 24, 25 Venus Pluto *c being madly in love, intense passion, seduction, sexual developments
6 / 30 Sun Mercury thinking, sharing, understanding
7 / 6 Sun Venus
7 / 9 Mercury Venus
7 / 11, 12, 13, 14 Mars Saturn *c
7 / 17 Venus (0 Cancer)
7 / 24, 25 Mercury Uranus Node
7 / 26 Mercury Mars
8 / 2, 3, 4 Sun Mars Uranus Node!
8 / 12, 13 Mercury Chiron
8 / 13, 14 Venus Mars
8 / 18, 19 Mercury Jupiter
8 / 19, 20, 21, 22 Venus Uranus Node
8 / 24, 25, 26, 27 Mars Pluto *c
8 / 25 Mercury (0 Libra)
8 / 30, 31 Mercury Neptune
9 / 1, 2 Mercury Neptune
9 / 3—17 (exact 9, 10) Jupiter Neptune *c dreams come true, expanded metaphysics, mercy, pipe-dreams, spiritual materialism, visionaries, speculators
9 / 6, 7 Sun Chiron
9 / 13—28 Sun Mercury *c (extended due to the retrograde)
9 / 16, 17, 18 Mercury Neptune
9 / 16, 17 Venus Chiron
9 / 16, 17, 18 Sun Jupiter
9 / 22, 23 Sun (0 Libra)
9 / 25, 26, 27 Mercury Venus Jupiter
9 / 26, 27 Sun Venus *c
9 / 28, 29, 30 Sun Neptune
9 / 29 Venus (0 Libra)
10 / 3, 4 Venus Neptune
10 / 3, 4 Mercury Venus *c
10 / 8, 9 Mercury Jupiter
10 / 15, 16 Mercury Neptune
10 / 22 - 11 / 3 Jupiter (0 Aries)
10 / 31 - 11 / 1 Venus Saturn
11 / 1 Venus Saturn
11 / 2, 3, 4 Sun Saturn
11 / 4, 5 Mercury Saturn
11 / 18, 19 Mercury Venus Pluto
11 / 24, 25, 26 Sun Pluto
12 / 6 Mercury (0 Capricorn)
12 / 7, 8 Mercury Venus
12 / 9, 10 Venus (0 Capricorn)
12 / 12, 13 Sun Mercury *c
12 / 14 (exact 20, 21) Jupiter (0 Aries)
12 / 15 Sun Venus *c
12 / 18, 19, 20 Mercury Mars
12 / 21 Sun (0 Capricorn)
12 / 24, 25, 26 Venus Mars *c