/Symmetries around the Cardinal Axis = Antiscia
Reflections falling equidistant from the Solstice and Equinox points = Antiscia
Planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia reflect one another across the cardinal axis. The cardinal axis is formed by the four seasonal turning points: zero degrees of each of the four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The cardinal axis is essentially the node of the Sun. Since the earth orbits the Sun, it is the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic (the sun's path, i.e., the tropical zodiac) and the earth's equator.
Planets connect in antiscia when they reflect or mirror one another across this axis. Much like a planetary statement made by two planets in aspect, conjunction, or midpoint, planets in antiscia make a terrestrial (or mundane) statement: a statement for the world which is relevant for us all, the earth’s inhabitants. Therefore, planets in antiscia provide insight into the energy of the day, week, or month.
Equally important: antiscia enriches our natal and dynamic chart delineations. More on antiscia here...
New Year’s Eve finds Venus Ketu (south node) in reflection to the Sun around the Solstice point
To use the list of antiscia below, blend the meanings of planets in combination.
For help with delineation of planetary pairs, you may want to utilize books I reference on this page — or use an online resource like this one by John Sandbach — or simply apply your basic astrological understanding of the planets. Think of the pairs and combinations as conjunctions or oppositions. And you can always take interpretations further and add more nuance by considering shared or reflected dignity and reception.
All connections are within 30 minutes of arc or less (i.e., they are very close to exact).
Dates showing one planet indicate its ingress onto the cardinal axis (meaning it resides at zero degrees cardinal and ought to feature prominently that day).
Those with *c indicate contra-antiscia: symmetries around the Aries/Libra (equinox) axis—a.k.a. signs of equal rising. These are just as powerful as antiscia.
All others are antiscia. Signs of equal power and light (sharing the same quantity of light).
Ketu = south lunar node. Rahu = north lunar node. Our connections, and why we incarnate.
Moon Venus midpoint to the Great Jupiter Saturn Conjunction at the Capricorn ingress 2020
As you likely know the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero Aquarius occurred on the Solstice. Hopefully you got to see it. I took pictures each night I could. A beautiful sight to behold! Jupiter and Saturn were also in parallel declination (part of what made this occurrence so special) — and Venus happened to share in their parallel from Sagittarius.
A momentous new cycle and epoch shifting Solstice!
You’ll note in the chart, a Moon Venus midpoint at the time of the conjunction landing on Jupiter Saturn. It definitely seems to reflect the tone of our time, a feeling of love and awe for this magical moment, and hope for better things to come.
Month / Day
12 / 31 Sun Venus Node
1 / 8 Venus (CAPRICORN)
1 / 16-17 Venus Node
Venus Jupiter (Moon) conjunction reflects Mars while Sun connects with Uranus
1 / 22-23 Mercury Mars *c
1 / 23-25 Mercury Uranus *c
2 / 3-4 Sun Mars *c
2 / 4-6 Mercury Uranus *c
2 / 9-11 Mars Venus | Jupiter *c
2 / 10-11 Sun Uranus *c
2 / 18-20 Venus Uranus *c
2 / 17-20 Mars Saturn *c
Venus joins the Sun at the Equinox (Aries Point) the midpoint of the Jupiter URanus reflection
+ Neptune Chiron
3 / 8-9 Mercury Uranus *c
3 / 8-11 Mars Pluto *c
3 / 11-12 Sun Chiron *c
3 / 13-14 Venus Chiron *c
3 / 17 - 4 / 6 Neptune Chiron *c
3 / 19-26 Jupiter Uranus *c
3 / 20 Sun (ARIES)
3 / 20-21 Sun Venus *c
3 / 21 Venus (ARIES)
3 / 27-30 Sun | Venus | Chiron Mercury | Neptune *c
4 / 3-4 Mercury (ARIES)
4 / 8 Mercury Neptune *c
4 / 17-18 Venus Jupiter *c
4 / 20 Mercury Jupiter *c
4 22-23 Sun Jupiter *c
4 / 27-28 Mercury | Venus Saturn *c
5 / 5-6 Mercury Pluto *c
5 / 6-7 Sun Saturn *c
5 / 10-12 Venus Pluto *c
5 / 14-15 Mercury Mars
5 / 19-20 Venus Mars
5 / 23-24 Sun Pluto *c
5 / 23-26 Mars Node
5 / 28-29 Sun Mars
6 / 2 Venus (CANCER)
New Moon Solar Eclipse with RX Mercury reflects Venus
6 / 8-11 Mercury Venus
6 / 10 Sun | Moon | Mercury Venus
6 / 17-18 Venus Node
6 / 20 Sun (CANCER) Happy Solstice!
7 / 1-2 Sun Mercury
7 / 5-8 Mars Uranus
7 / 9-11 Venus Uranus
7 / 10-12 Sun Node
7 / 11 Mercury (CANCER)
7 / 22-23 Mercury Node
8 / 3-4 Mercury Uranus
8 / 4-5 Venus Chiron
8 / 6-8 Sun Uranus
8 / 16 Venus (LIBRA)
8 / 21-22 Mercury Chiron
8 / 21-23 Venus Neptune
8 / 23 Mercury Venus *c
8 / 25-28 Mars Chiron
8 / 26-28 Venus Mars *c
8 / 26 - 9 / 16 Pluto Node *c
8 / 30 Mercury (LIBRA)
9 / 1-2 Sun Venus *c
9 / 3-4 Mercury Mars *c
9 / 4-5 Mercury Neptune
9 / 8-9 Sun Mercury *c
9 / 9-11 Sun Chiron
9 / 14-15 Mars (LIBRA)
9 / 15-16 Venus Jupiter
9 / 19 Sun Mars *c
9 / 22 Sun (LIBRA)
9 / 26-29 Mars Neptune
9 / 30 - 10 / 1 Venus Saturn
9 / 30 - 10 / 2 Sun Neptune
10 / 11-13 Venus Pluto
10 / 17 - 11 / 30 Neptune Chiron *c
10 / 29-31 Sun Jupiter
11 / 5 Venus (LIBRA)
11 / 8-10 Mars Jupiter
11 / 9-10 Mercury Jupiter
11 / 13-14 Sun Saturn
11 / 18-19 Mercury Saturn
11 / 26-27 Sun Pluto
11 / 27-28 Mercury Pluto
11 / 29 - 12 / 1 Mars Saturn
11 / 30 - 12 / 1 Sun | Mercury Venus
12 / 13 Mercury (CAPRICORN)
12 / 16 Sun Mercury
12 / 17-20 Venus | Pluto Mars
6 / 21 Sun (CAPRICORN) Happy Solstice!
12 / 24 - 2 / 4 / 2022 Neptune Chiron *c
12 / 26 Mercury Mars
12 / 31 - 1 / 1 Mercury Node *c