Antiscia and the Thema Mundi
/An earlier version was published in December 2014.
“an energetic alliance that can be easily observed and/or experienced”
Why are connections by antiscia so obscure in astrology? — and why do most astrologers still consider these contacts second-rate aspects at best? … having some merit, but certainly not as meaningful as the Ptolemaic aspects: sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
Antiscia are reflections around the solstice and equinox points. They are symmetries based on the sharing of time and light. They are natural and simple. And they are anchored to the undeniably potent reset moment that is the Cardinal Axis. I think excluding them from having conjunction/aspect status is in error.
Antiscia in the Thema Mundi
I made a discovery many years ago while working with antiscia, and simultaneously studying Hellenistic and Persian astrology. I found antiscia shows up in the all-important Thema Mundi, a hypothetical chart of the world and teaching tool. This was something I’d never heard anyone mention before. Nor had I encountered it in the ancient texts that reference antiscia. I was astonished, and pleased to see the very obvious statement it makes.
You will see in the diagram below I’ve arranged the planets in their places of exaltation. I have noted the aspects that connect each planet back to their respective domiciles (signs). You can see both the nocturnal planets, Venus and Mars, connect to one of their domiciles by sextile. And the the diurnal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, connect to one theirs by trine. If you look to the lights, Sun and Moon, you’ll note they each connect by trine and sextile back to their respective domiciles. Which sets up a schema:
diurnal = trine | nocturnal = sextile
Then you’ll see how the malefics (and Mercury) connect to the other of its domiciles by square — and that each benefic, Venus and Jupiter, connects to the other of their respective signs by antiscia or contra-antiscia (known as the seeing and hearing signs to the ancients).
malefic = square | benefic = antiscia
All planets connect in two ways through two aspects.
Because malefics connect through a square aspect, and benefics through antiscia, I believe it is solid evidence for antiscia as a legitimate aspect, as well as describing the quality of the connection. And I find its presence in the Thema Mundi both profound and beautiful.
I believe aspects by antiscia are just as powerful as other aspects. Especially those in a close degree-based connection. (I suggest using a 4 degree orb—2 degrees on either side: applying and separating.)
As it is with the square, connections by antiscia and contra-antiscia cross boundaries and combine polarity—hot|cold, dry|moist, active|passive, day|night, male|female. This makes the pairs dynamic and alive in the world, much like we see with a square. They are active. They are combinations that demand our attention: we must do something with them.
This co-mingling of sect or gender, and temperament, along with the symmetry around the four seasonal turning points, a.k.a. Cardinal Axis (see other articles), is indicative of a very potent pairing: an energetic alliance that can be easily observed and/or experienced.
"the cardinal points relate people to the world at large"
-Charles Jayne, crediting Alfred Witte
The particular antiscia and contra-antiscia connections shown above could also be viewed as an averse pairing. However, it is undoubtedly relevant that the associations shown in the scheme are indeed antiscia (seeing) and contra-antiscia (hearing) links. The ancients regarded them as relaying sympathy and reception. And they are after all conveyed through the two creative convivial planets, moist, fertile, connective, Venus and Jupiter.
These are also signs of sharing. Signs which share power (equal amount of light = antiscia), and ascensional or rising time (contra-antiscia).
Seeing + Hearing
Signs that share light or “power” = antiscia
They fall equidistant around the Solstice points
Signs rising at the same speed = contra-antiscia
They are equidistant from the Equinox points
Example: for Hendrix the Moon in Cancer ‘sees’ Uranus in Gemini, they share power and light. The Sun in Sagittarius rises at the same speed as Jupiter in Cancer, they are said to ‘hear’ one another, and so there is sympathy and friendship.
“And so, if any stars do not aspect each other in the orderly arrangement of the nativity, it must be inquired whether they are connected to each other by the associated aspect of antiscions. For when they have sent their antiscions thus, they are connected with each other through their antiscions just as [much as] by a trine or square or opposition or sextile aspect...”
-Julius Firmicus Maternus, 4th century astrologer
in Book 2 Chapter 30 of the Mathesis (Holden translation, 2011)
“Signs that are disjunct but having sympathy for each other are all the equal-rising signs, and those having equal power, and those of like zone. For example, equal-rising are Aries and Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Virgo and Libra; of equal power are Gemini and Cancer, Virgo and Aries, Libra and Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn; of like zone are Taurus with Libra, Aries with Scorpio.
...with the joint risings of the signs and the joint ascensions of the stars...
friendships and sympathies of men and women, and parents and brothers, and friends and slaves.”
-Rhetorius of Egypt, 6th or 7th century, Ch.16 (Holden translation, 2009)
“[disjunct signs] ... are the ones which belong neither to the class of commanding or obeying, beholding or of equal power... ”
The presence of these aspects in the vitally important rulership and dignity schema, Thema Mundi, is a reality which should no longer be denied or dismissed. These points of connection have been overlooked for too long. It is time to fully embrace them and practice utilizing them in all forms of astrology!
There is much to uncover with antiscia! —See for yourself. ;-D
If you want to immerse yourself in this more, contact me for a mentoring session.
Or tune in to my recent talk for Kepler College (find the recording here).
A multimedia presentation available (approx. three hours in length):
“. . .undeniably potent reset moment”
reclaiming the apocalypse
/Antoni Tapies, Grey and Green Painting 1957 © Foundation Antoni Tapies, Barcelona/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2002
The meaning of the word apocalypse has been unfairly disfigured. It has been hijacked by monotheistic religions, with their linear constructs and notions of time. Most people have come to think of End Times when they hear the term. This is quite unfortunate, because I think much of what is in the news right now is incredibly apocalyptic, and that is not a bad thing, but (from my perspective) quite a good thing in many ways. Certainly it is worth observing and reflecting upon.
From wikipedia: "An apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις, meaning 'un-covering'), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation..."
However, if you look up apocalypse in most dictionaries you will find:
1 (often the Apocalypse) the complete final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation. See also Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
(the Apocalypse) (especially in the Vulgate Bible) the book of Revelation.
2 an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale: a stock market apocalypsean era of ecological apocalypse
Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis
from apokaluptein 'uncover, reveal', from apo- 'un-' + kaluptein 'to cover'
Noteworthy BBC radio program: In Our Time, The Apocalypse. Melvyn Bragg examines how a powerful narrative of judgement and retribution evolved.
I don't think many would disagree, given the original meaning of the word, that we are swimming in apocalyptic revelations this season. My friend and fellow astrologer Frederick Woodruff teases me with the phrase Apocalyptic Chic, to describe this time and my slight obsession with noting all of its seemingly related unfoldments. If you're interested in the astrology of it, I have a few observations to share below. Last month, I wrote a brief piece when I was feeling the deep rumblings, or rather this thing emerging with a striking yet essential quality about it, via current affairs. The post was titled Truth.
Everywhere I turn, every morning I wake, it seems there's another big, strange announcement in the news. This morning the radio woke me with the FDA finally taking seriously the disease producing reality of trans-fats, declaring these partially hydrogenated oils to be no longer 'generally recognized as safe.' Did it need to take this long? I guess so. You can't rush the unfolding I suppose. (I have always avoided these and had a very bad feeling about how much more harmful they are than was admitted.) Fukushima, another obviously hot topic (literally) - and likely still hotter than many will admit, seems to be taken a bit more seriously now. Emerging on BBC, CNN, and the other main news sources, it is at least accepted that this "disaster remains a giant, unresolved mess." Still, some want to minimize it. On Tuesday, I-522, a bill for labeling GMOs, was not passed here in my home state. But as a friend and nutritionist Stephanie Gailing points out, the fact that it didn't pass may bring even greater attention to it at this time. And then there is the Comet ISON; Meteors falling from the sky; jellyfish taking over the oceans; major solar flares and threat of a blackout; and now a super typhoon. What next?
With news like this, I can't help but think of my friend and teacher, Gary Christen, who is quite fond of the quote:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
--Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher (1788 - 1860)
The astrology certainly speaks to the time; as does the astronomy, for that matter (as you can see in heliocentric maps, from the sun's perspective, below). We are living in a very interesting cycle or transitional time. I think more than anything I find some comfort in the fact that much can be observed through the language of the stars. Whether we can make an absolutely accurate prediction about some matter is less important to me. What is important is context, and we're being given a lot of context right now. From here we can work out or imagine potential interpretations and scenarios, or we can simply observe.
So now I'll barrage you with technical info. For those as nerdy as me, I've included many charts, beginning with the next lunation chart, followed by the chart for the original Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. On another page, you can find charts for the recent eclipse, as well as antiscia for November which includes Mars Uranus, and Saturn arriving on the cardinal axis (15 fixed/Scorpio is the midpoint of the start of two cardinal signs). I welcome others' comments and reflections below!
Note the degree of Algol (25/26 Taurus) emphasized in the upcoming lunation: a Full Moon on November 17th at 25°26 Taurus. Neptune sets with Chiron in both Japan's lunation chart and the 2011 disaster chart, interesting given the subject matter and the lack of transparency around it.
Full Moon runs with Algol - Saturn on cardinal axis
Full Moon in Washington DC - Uranus Pluto emphasized again as it was at eclipse + as is Mercury Node (more revealed)
Mars Saturn antiscia + Uranus on Aries point
Note the degree of the Midheaven. By secondary progression it has moved to 24'06 Taurus.
Polar Azimuthal map of world at time of incident.
Mars Saturn antiscia and Uranus came to zero Aries on the day of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
(The Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami occurred the day before; Uranus was at 29°58 Pisces.)
Mars Saturn = Uranus —a sudden illness, a sudden accident, separation or case of death
The Polar Azimuthal map on the right shows the world from a pole view at the time of the incident. It also allows us to see what planets will be in paran for the day. This map is a dynamic feature of Nova Chartwheels, and can't be properly conveyed through a snapshot. The blue arrow points to the star Algol (shown by the second little black dot), and it indicates Algol was pretty much directly overhead at the time of the disaster. The declination for Algol is +40.57' which is the latitude for northern parts of Japan (as well as many other countries).
Importantly however, Uranus, which was sitting directly on the Aries point that day (world axis point), was in paran with Algol; when Algol set, Uranus was angular on the Nadir. I find this interesting given the upcoming lunation occurs at the projected ecliptic degree of Algol. Maybe it simply underscores that this event and situation has come to light in a powerful way, and is of huge concern globally. I do find it interesting that the planned start for the decommissioning process is mid-November around the time of the Full Moon.
Another thing brought to my attention via Gary Christen and Arch Crawford is the heliocentric perspective of planetary confluences for the month. Astrologers have been quite focused on the Uranus Pluto squares (we've just passed the 4th of 7), and yes ! they are a very big deal for everyone. When we observe astrological phenomena we are taking it in through the earth's perspective (geocentrically). We look at the transits, noting events and mundane affairs, and interpret planetary compositions in personal ways or on a psychological level through our own charts. The Mercury retrograde cycle joining Saturn and the Node, and the Sun and Moon at the eclipse, for instance has been quite profound. It speaks to these themes of knowledge revealed, uncovering, and revelations in undeniable ways.
The heliocentric perspective offers another layer maybe. One that is off planet; possibly, and probably, at least it feels this way, totally out of our control. In Christen's words, helio "becomes important for large scale changes on the earth, kind of like the cardinal axis in so far as larger events that go on. . . it will reflect large scale changes in and dispositions of the markets." Because from the sun's point of view planets are always moving forward, never turning retrograde, when an aspect perfects, it only does so once. The upcoming one heliocentric Uranus Pluto square (on November 23) then seems something exceptional to note.
At nearly the same time (within a week+) Jupiter joins the picture (Nov 12/13), making an opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus - and so creates a T-square - which occurs when UR PL are within only 03 minutes (not degrees!) of exactitude. Jupiter Pluto = Uranus
Meanwhile, on the same day Mars perfects in square with Saturn.
Christen emphasizes the rarity of this alignment, saying "there is no precedent for this in history. . .You cannot find anything heliocentrically that has a T-square within 5 minutes of arc of perfection. . ." Crawford says the same in a video post. Both think it has to do with solar flares: "a mammoth disturbance in the solar system," potentially frying our electric grid, leading to big big problems that would not be quick to fix. Or, as Christen suggests, because on the 13th the Earth (brown globe) is not involved, it could be "a mammoth flare that may graze the earth, but probably will do other damage in the solar system that will be observable. . . we'll see." I think the timing given other factors I've been examining is mind-boggling.
Track solar flares in real time @ NOAA here.
HELIO Jupiter Pluto opposition + Uranus square -- at the same time: Mars Saturn perfect in square
On 90 degree dial - emphasis on exactitude of aspectual connection
Whatever might happen I recommend being prepared as you would for an earthquake, just in case:
extra water, food, warmth, cash in your home
Venus comes to Uranus, Nov 9, around 10pm est
(Ve joins the t-square before Ju Ur Pl perfects)
NOV 12/13
Jupiter comes to Uranus, Nov 12, 10:30pm est
(Mars is applying by 27 min to Saturn)
Jupiter comes to Pluto, Nov 13, 3:20pm est
(Ma app 09 min to Sa)
Mars comes to Saturn, Nov 13, 11:59pm est
(Ju+Ur=Pl picture: 02/03 min exact)
NOV 23
Uranus perfects square to Pluto, Nov 23, 7am est
(Ju is less than 1 deg (45min arc) out of T-square)
Also, per Arch Crawford, Mars/Earth = Pl [Ur]
Be well.
And be in touch!
The Power of Antiscia Video Lecture
/The complete multi-media presentation of the talk I gave at the United Astrology Conference (UAC) 2012 is available. Please contact me if you'd like to access the video.
Please contact me for the password to view this video lecture.
Antisica in action:
On the day I gave the talk (my first public lecture on antiscia) the transiting Sun and transiting Mercury were actually in precise antiscion to both my natal Sun and Mercury! -- and so pulled my Sun Mercury into the cardinal axis. As I didn't schedule the time, it was a surprise to learn.
In the talk I outline what antiscia is - as well as why and how to use it. I offer a historical context, and give directions for calculating antiscia, in addition to applying it to many modern musicians, comics, and politician charts. Example charts begin at the 41 minute mark.
Whitney Houston, Big Voices, and Some Simple Antiscia
/The power of antiscia can be seen in a natal chart very simply and strikingly sometimes. I've been finding a particular antiscia signature with some frequency in the charts of musicians, and singers specifically: Mercury antiscia to Jupiter. A big or great voice.
Here, on the 360 degree dial, is the natal chart for the late, and very vocally talented, Whitney Houston.
(Note: The 360 degree dial does not change the placement of planets in a chart, or their relation to each other or to the angles, but instead emphasizes their connection to the cardinal axis (the solstice and equinox points falling at 0 CANCER/CAPRICORN and 0 ARIES/LIBRA). The dial makes for a quick and easy way to see antiscia and contra-antiscia (terms used for planets falling evenly around the cardinal points). Since everything on earth is dependent upon and affected by seasonal changes, the cardinal axis is a point we all share and is therefore important and relevant for everyone. It is a point through which we connect to the world.)
In Whitney Houston's chart Mercury sits at 10'15 VIRGO and that is the exact mirror or shadow point (antiscia) to Jupiter placed at 19'29 ARIES.
We also find here the antiscia of Jupiter to Pluto, which ought to add even greater power and influence. At its best Jupiter|Pluto is regenerative, providing an ability to transform and develop something, to build something up and make it better; at its worst it can lead to excess, or great accumulation and wastefulness.
A third powerful signature we find in her chart by contra-antiscia (planets falling symmetrically around the Aries/Libra axis, or equinoctial points) is Sun to Neptune. This illuminates her mystique and appeal, but is likely also indicative of the trouble and addictive situations she faced.
To reiterate this theme of great voices, and the antiscia of Mercury|Jupiter on the cardinal axis, here are the charts for two other phenomenal vocalists, Sinead O'Connor and Gillian Welch.
Both charts have Mercury contra-antiscia to Jupiter. Also, Jupiter is in a superior position (earlier in zodiacal degree) to Mercury and, in these two charts, is connected by a sign-based square.
In Sinead O'Connor's chart Mercury is located at about 26 SCORPIO while Jupiter sits at 04 LEO.
In Gillian Welch's chart Mercury is 03 SCO and Jupiter is 27 LEO. These places are regarded by some ancient astrologers as the "hearing" or "commanding/obeying" signs. Read more about this on SevenStars blog.
A nice thing about antiscia, and midpoints generally, is that you can examine a chart that does not have a birth time and still gather quite a bit of information about a person or situation (as revealed with the two charts above). Though remember to disregard the angles of the chart, and also do not put much emphasis on the Moon due to its speed.
I do of course advocate using charts with good birth data. Nothing can replace the depth and structure and sound foundational story one finds through examining a chart in its traditional form, like the one below.
* If you are confused by the chart above not having house cusps, please understand that I use and encourage everyone to try whole sign houses. I still use the angles and see them as incredibly strong points in the chart, especially when planets are advancing toward them or are retreating, having just passed them by, but I prefer whole sign houses for topical purposes. A whole sign house system is elegant, simple, powerful, and makes the most sense to me theoretically.
dark, haunting beauty
/Being artistically-oriented myself, I quite enjoy looking at the charts of artists and musicians. Lately, I've been looking especially at the 360 and 90 degree dials with the TNPs (Transneptunians). I'm looking for recurring themes, threads to follow, something from which I can build my own experiential resource base for how these symbols (specifically the TNPs) speak to me.
The work of Francesca Woodman is one of my latest obsessions.
These photos were made by Francesca, a fiercely evocative photographer who died by suicide at a very young age (twenty two). Her work is rich in symbolism, and a theme of impermanence, or breakdown and decay, is portrayed quite literally through all of the imagery.
While I do not have an exact time for her birthchart, it is still valuable to examine the aspects and planetary placements, and by using the dial I can gather even more clues as to what themes are most prominent.
Placements I note first are Francesca's exalted Sun in Aries in opposition to a bright (full) Moon in, the Venus ruled sign, Libra - will versus feeling; Mercury's opposition to Jupiter, North Node, and Neptune - anabudance of creative ideas; Venus' opposition to Pluto - magnetism, and intensity in relating; And Mars' wide opposition to Uranus - unique, individualistic, sometimes rebellious expression.
This is a large number of oppositions to have in a chart, and it is noteworthy that all of the inner planets are being influenced by the outer transpersonal planets. Oppositions speak to the pull between what is inside vs. what is outside, yours or mine, yin/yang, even black and white (like her photographs).
Standing on the Cardinal axis, we find Mercury in antiscia to Pluto and Venus antiscion Node/Neptune.
The Node is her only personal point on the axis, and is how she is tied to and connects with the world. This combination can also be viewed as a completed planetary picture:
Mercury + Pluto - Venus = Node/Neptune or Me + Pl - Ve = No/Ne.
Reinhold Ebertin says of Mercury Pluto: the art of persuasion, suggestion. This speaks to her ability to powerfully communicate something to the world, but not totally literally. It is the element of suggestion that pervades her work. Pluto, also associated with the Underworld, can bring a darkness to what is [in this case] communicated. And it is known for great growth and development, or great decline. Venus Node is a love-union or pleasant connections with others, and Venus Neptune is creative imagination and can contribute to much idealism or disillusionment in love. Because Ve|No|Ne is on the same axis as Me|Pl they are all rather intensely connected, and being on the cardinal axis (the world's stage) it is for all to see.
Communicating beauty (and the female form) powerfully, and most often with an aspect of disillusionment, darkness, destruction and decay, was certainly her modus operandi.
Self portrait
With the chart on the 90 degree dial (below), we see Neptune also stands on the Cardinal axis at 11.25 (black dot is indicator).
Among other things, Neptune = Photography.
When we add the TNPs, things only get more interesting....
Sun Poseidon signifies her use of light (as in photographic images). It is pure energy and spirit, but can also be associated with spirits, as in ghosts. On this midpoint axis also lies Venus Pluto, indicative again of her immense creative power; and Ve|Pl pushes through Sun Poseidon its darker, more annihilative quality. Adding to this force is Mercury Vulcanus also standing on the axis. Many of her images have blurry or moving figures. This is literally what Me + Vu = Su means: a body in motion.
Zeus and Kronos also figure prominently, standing near Pluto. Zeus and Kronos, especially with Pluto and Venus, signify enormous creative inspiration, mastery, and an eagerness to work. Think how young she was when she began working and how many incredibly beautiful images she created in such a short amount of time.
One final important TNP to note on this Sun axis is Hades. Standing at precisely 22.5 from her Sun (see the large black dot), Hades reiterates many of the themes already noted, and additionally signifies old and outworn things, garbage, death, decay, filth, secrets or hidden things, want, and loneliness. Are her images not utterly representative of Hades Poseidon?
After writing this article, I came across a review and thought it described eloquently the symbols as I saw them. The New York Review of Books writer, Eizabeth Gumport, said of Francesca's work:
Her concealed figures, however, call to mind corpses, or ghosts, as if the wall between our world and the spirit realm had begun to fall. In her images, dust abounds, and there are no new buildings, only ruins, whose disintegrating forms evoke the wrecks admired by the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Gothic revivalists often cited as major influences. The out-of-focus figures are faint and friable-seeming, and Woodman’s gray tones as powdery as crumbling stone.
While there is so much more we could learn from this sadly poetic chart, I want to move on to the date of her death: Jan 19, 1981.
There are many things one can examine in timing and event charts. Here, I look primarily to just one large factor, a theme repeated again and again, because it speaks so loudly: Hades.
Because Francesca was 22 years old at the time of her death, her Solar Arc would be close to that degree; it was 22 19' 19" to be exact. That would mean any of the natal indicators in her chart standing at that distance to another factor would be coming to fruition - including Hades to her Sun.
You can see in the chart above that not only was Hades due to her Sun by Solar Arc (the green and red bars), but it was also transiting her Sun by exact half square (or semi square). This is something we find because Hades' orbit is about 360 years. It was a Hades time more than ever in her life. Clearly something needed to die and be let go of. It is sad she took her own life and wasn't able to force in entirety the expression in a worldly endeavor.
Neptune also was due on the Cardinal axis at that time (not visible in chart above). Likely this reiterated a feeling of helplessness, disappointment, and assumably disillusionment and despair or desperation.
But her ethereal, almost supernatural, Neptunian work does live on in the world. Certainly she continues to touch and deeply affect many people with her profound talent --> Communicating depth and beauty and darkness and light - and the transient nature of life.
personal points on the cardinal axis : Abe Lincoln
I will use President Abraham Lincoln as an example to illuminate the power of Personal Points on the cardinal axis. But first a quick description of the personal points and the cardinal axis.
In Uranian Astrology (aka Symmetrical Astrology) personal points are a big deal. The six personal points are the Sun, Moon, the moon's Node[s], Midheaven (MC), Ascendant (AS), and Aries Point (meaning, zero degrees of any cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).
Through the personal points we connect to things. Through the Sun we connect via our will, purpose, body. Through the Moon we connect through our feelings, emotions, and perception. The Ascendant connects us to our locale, our immediate environment, and the people in our environment. Through the MC we find our sense of "I" or "My," our soul connectedness; it is the place within, and a place we see the world from; and in a way I like to think of the MC as connecting us to spirit. The Nodes are all about connections or unions by themselves, showing us how and with whom we'll connect. And finally the Aries Point, which is both the cardinal axis and the intersection of two great circles (Ecliptic and Equator), is the way in which everyone and everything connects in and to the world. The Aries Point is the personal point we all share.
My teacher Gary Christen would say a person who has personal points on the cardinal axis will be very visible and known in the world. Though having personal points connected to the axis is not a requirement of visibility, you do find it shows up frequently, and is always descriptive of the way one connects to the world. In a minute you will see that President Lincoln serves as a great example of this.
What does it mean (technically) to have personal points on the cardinal axis? When we say a person has points on the axis we're not limiting this to their having planets or angles at precisely 0 degrees of the cardinal signs (or 29 mutable), though that works too. We're interested in whether they have personal points engaged and reflected around the axis as well. This is called antiscia: when points fall on either side of a 0 degree cardinal point in perfect symmetry.
Note: Zero degrees Cancer/Capricorn are Solstice Points - zero Aries/Libra = [Equinox] Equinoctial points
And Antiscia, sometimes referred to as Solstice Points, have been used for a very long time. Hellenistic authors refer to them not infrequently.
As an example, in the chart for today, we see that Mars resides at less than 1 degree Cancer. This means that Mars sits directly on the cardinal axis.
And in another recent example, the chart for the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2011, we can see several points are in antiscia to one another on the cardinal axis.
Here we find Node Pluto in anitscia, and also Jupiter Ascendant (Note: AS is only relevant in the immediate locale - here in Seattle. Lucky us.) Node Pluto would be indicative of transformative and powerful connections, changing connections, possibly concealed or subversive connections, and likely some big developments and/or power struggles.
Back to Abe.
Let's first look at his chart on the classic pie wheel.
If the birth time we have for Lincoln is correct, we notice right away the powerfully angular Sun in Aquarius rising, and the Moon above the ascendant in Capricorn in the twelfth house. I find Saturn at the top of the chart (with Neptune) a very interesting feature, as it resides in the famous Gauquelin sector. Isn't Saturn so very appropriate for Lincoln? From his stature, to issues with melancholy, his reflective nature, social commitment, and responsibilities... And both the Sun and Moon of course disposit to that Saturn. I find it also quite fascinating that all five of the innermost planets, Sun through Mars, are in detriment (opposite the signs they rule). Just one planet, Jupiter, is in its own domicile (Pisces).
Now let's look at the chart on the 360 degree dial.
Look at those personal points!
At first glance we see 4 of the 5 personal points sitting in reflection on the axis. The Sun lies antiscia to the Node, general connections in the public, to reach out and make contact, meetings with others. The Moon is antiscia to Saturn, connecting with laboring and suppressed people, work with the public (Moon), a public administrator; also feeling inhibited, somber, or lonely; and since it is the Moon this can also describe the woman he relates to (think of his wife and some of her difficulties). And- Ascendant to Node, connections with many in one's environment, many acquaintances, even a kind of 'group identity.'
We can also see that he has a powerful Venus Jupiter contra-antiscia. Lincoln literally saved the Union.
Upon even closer examination- if you see where the tiny black dot is by the MC, the fifth and final point, the Midheaven, is actually pulled onto the axis at 22.5 degrees.
This is easier to see on the 90 degree wheel:
If this birth time is indeed accurate, both the Ascendant and Midheaven stand on the axis, meaning President Lincoln has every single personal point on the cardinal axis.
We can most definitely say he is a man known in the world.
In concluding this post, I find it somewhat interesting that his Node is due to his Sun by solar arc . . .
Is he connecting with the world again? ;-)
The chart (the moment) (the person) (the connection) lives on . . .
Be well.
What's happening in Japan?!
/I've been writing on facebook this week, since the earthquake, that I thought there would be more in store for Japan. This is because there have been some major planetary energies joining the picture. First, and quite importantly, Mars has been running with Saturn on the cardinal axis--the world's stage--in addition to Uranus. At its worst the energy of Mars Saturn brings interruption and forced separation, sickness, and destruction (which we've already seen), and at its best, discipline and endurance. With Uranus though - added is an element of shock or surprise.
Saturn is also aligned with Zeus (TNP), now through September, and while Mars was meeting up with Saturn he was also having his dance with Zeus. Zeus is a point that represents explosives, fire, even nuclear threat.... especially with a combination like Mars + Saturn = Uranus (!). Saturn Zeus on its own can symbolize a lack of work (as Zeus = machines), the breakdown of machines (or Unions?), loss from fire, oppression, and so on. For this time though I think these particular combos are/were definitely pointing to major nuclear energy issues and explosions.
Late last week, as I was considering Uranus' ingress into Aries (which only happens every 84 years), I was looking on the 90 degree dial--often used for event oriented astrology--and noted this important Mars Saturn combo. The next day, off the coast of Sendai on March 11, 2011, the earthquake happened. Following that, a terribly destructive tsunami. And now some major nuclear issues. There are many astrological indicators that we can examine for what has occurred. My wish and hope for now and in the future is for astrologers to align (both amongst themselves and also with leaders in science and government), and utilize the many timing indicators astrology has to offer to prevent further damage or to potentially minimize it.
From the chart of the earthquake there were quite literal expressions or indicators of what might follow. One indicator points specifically to issues with radiation.
Notice at that moment, Poseidon was running precisely with the MC. Poseidon can represent spirituality and light--as in enlightenment, and people who are high-minded. (Consider how the Japanese are reacting to these catastrophes, with discipline and calm, there has been no looting.) Poseidon however may also indicate radiation here.
And there are several combinations here that describe an earthquake exactly. Most of them include Uranus, sometimes Zeus or Admetos. Admetos symbolizes the beginning or end of life, things underground or coming from the ground, and raw beginnings.
One combo: Sun + Uranus - Aries = Sun (which is the timer for the "day")
Another is: Uranus + Zeus - Hades = Moon (which is the timer for the "hour")
A third: Aries + Zeus - Admetos = AS/Mercury (which is the "minute")
And finally (and powerfully): Uranus + Admetos = Admetos (+ Jupiter)
This last combination is frighteningly descriptive. Alfred Witte's "Rules for Planetary Pictures" states:
"Sudden rupture-like separation. Shock commotion. Destruction through convulsion. Earthquake..".
I don't know what to say or do in the midst of watching events like these transpire, as we are all witness to much difficulty. I hope the energy of that Mars Saturn will compel people to do what's right and act with integrity, strength, and fortitude.
My personal hope is that astrology will be taken more seriously in the world; utilized to prevent or minimize damage in events like these. We could be participating in changing the way we help and serve people all over the planet.
Equinox is right around the corner, but first...
/What the heck is going on?
A lot
A lot around the world and a lot astrologically. Of course the two are the same. That is the point. Especially when you focus on the Cardinal Axis - also known as the solstice points - the cardinal axis is the world's stage.
So what is up?
Uranus makes its ingress into Aries tomorrow. Which means it is very directly on the cardinal axis now. Recently the nodes and Mercury have been involved---causing stormy weather most likely, and a lot of excitement in the news and communication generally. The Sun and Jupiter are involved today (so things kinda feel ok, good even, under the circumstances). But Jupiter is also good at expanding and enlarging things, making things bigger. From now through the weekend the energy will be Mars and Saturn, aligning on the axis and pointed at Uranus---which might not feel so good. In fact, Mars Saturn can be quite a tough combo to deal with, as it is sometimes associated with harmful or destructive energy. However, it can also give endurance. If we stay in reality, and do the hard work, Mars Saturn can pay off in spades.
It is typical, as the days go by, that things come into and go out of alignment on the cardinal axis, world's stage, and we witness and experience their effects. But it isn't everyday that Uranus is sitting right there too---in fact, that only happens roughly every 20 years (when it moves from the end of a mutable sign into the beginning of a cardinal sign). And it takes Uranus 84 years to move through all of the signs---which means it hasn't made an entrance into Aries since the late 1920's!
So with Uranus on the Aries point, it also becomes the midpoint of each of these energies as they align on the world's stage. Sorry if I sound repetitive here, but having Uranus as the midpoint of all these changing energies tends to make everything a little (or a lot) more exciting. Uranus rules innovation, surprises, sudden events, accidents, wildness, wierdness, non-conformity, breakthroughs (or breakdowns), and a lot more...
It's kind of like everything has been plugged into a live outlet.
Lets hope the "extraordinariness and unusualness" of this time equates to our having amazing fortitude under whatever stressful circumstances we come to face.
Use the time as wisely as you do wildly.
And, Please be safe.