A Similar Maleficence : Fred West
/Preamble: I do not believe the planets, stars, or signs cause people to do horrific things. We cannot blame our chart for our problems. It is up to each one of us to decide how we will express and direct our energy and impulses. I believe there is a higher and lower expression to everything. The symbols do speak to and show where there may be difficulty - but it is often these very same influences that compel people to do the most interesting work.
Dahmer reverberates -
Another horrible story.
When I searched my database for another 'contrary to sect' Mars in Aries in the whole sign seventh house, I didn't come up with much - an athlete, an actor, a few others, sure... However I was totally creeped out when I found an equally (to Dahmer) disturbing character, Fred West. He has not only the same basic signature (Mars Aries 7H) as Dahmer, but other shared degrees and sign placements.
West, along with his wife, Rosemary, was a serial killer, rapist, zoophiliac, torturer, pedophile, incestual father, and all around general criminal. He likely suffered a brain injury in his teens (Aries rules the head, the battering ram, and is in opposition to his Sun in the whole sign first house of the body) - though this hardly explains the atrocities he committed as many suffer mild to extreme brain trauma and do not harm others.
Creepy, even as a child.
The birth time on this chart is 'B' rated (from a biography), so there is a possibility it is not correct. I found it too curious however to see such sign similarities to Dahmer to not share.
In addition to the powerful out of sect malefic Mars in the seventh (Mars is generally less good for people who are born during the day), we see the signs: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn inhabited again, as was the case with Dahmer. Shockingly, if the time is indeed correct (though it's quite likely rounded off), they share the same zodiacal degree rising - the degree of the Sun at its maximum fall: 19+ Libra.
Like Dahmer all the so-called (in ancient texts) "licentious, wanton, lecherous, and filthy sexed" signs are covered here. Capricorn again at the bottom of the chart, a house pertaining to death and burying the relatives under the family home (in very ancient times this was not a corrupt thing, but a place of burial for the ancestors) - and is exactly what he and his second wife maliciously did. Capricorn is inhabited by the Moon (its sign of detriment). The Moon (family, feelings, body, mother, the irrational) dominates Mars by square aspect - again, like Dahmer, Mars receives an aspect from a planet in Mars' sign of exaltation and seems to be empowered for the worse. And the Moon is in a superior trine to Saturn, the other malefic. Saturn (the almuten) an alternate ruler of the Ascendant is in Taurus (the Moon's exaltation) and sees the Moon occupying his own sign (Capricorn) while placed in the whole sign eighth house, another house of death. This is, once again, a lot of seeing and receiving between the three houses of death (4, 7, 8). See a previous post if you are scratching your head as to why these three houses pertain to death.
Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio (a sign of detriment for Venus) and disposit to Mars. Mars is in fact the final or 'sole dispositor' of the chart. I find when a malefic is the sole dispositor [especially if it is the malefic of the sect not in favor = Mars, when the native is born during the day, and Saturn, if the person is born at night] that it can be quite problematic for a person, and extra care and conscientiousness must be worked on.
And what about that grand trine in earth? = Moon Saturn Neptune
Grand trines humorously garner a lot of attention for being a good thing - but it is entirely dependent on a) the planets involved, and b) the person's consciousness.
Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences has things (on the darker side) like this to say:
The sickness of the soul.. the inability to mature or develop emotionally.. a low character.. pessimism.. pathological states of depression..
Inner wheel: West
Outer wheel: Dahmer
One chilling point in the chart that compelled me to post is Rahu, the north node of the Moon and head of the dragon, it resides at 21+ Virgo the exact degree of Dahmer's north node in the twelfth house - a traditional house of imprisonment and self-undoing.
If anyone has insights about this particular degree of Virgo, or other observations, please leave a comment.