what astrology should not do

Astrologers should not use aspects of astrology to do harm.

There’s no making light of nor minimizing this phenomenon. Astrologers frequently make damning assessments by way of essential dignity, house placements, and/or geometric aspects. Astrology is by definition judgmental. Practitioners need to be more judicious and mindful about making sweeping or harsh generalizations. Not only is there a residue of impact on the people they communicate with and serve, I see the lingering stain of internalized shame over their own apparently ‘weak’ placements. What a waste of time.

When dignity is used to allocate goodness and strength, I cringe.

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10 Astrology Habits to Break

1. Using the Astrological Alphabet 

Whether you learned this from a teacher or read it in a book, please stop limiting yourself with the application of sign = planet = house style rulership. Indeed, Aries is the domain of Mars, and Taurus the domain of Venus (and on it goes). BUT this does not mean Aries/Mars is the same thing as the first house. It's simply not. A planet associated with war and separation does not equate to the house of Life, Body, Spirit. And Taurus/Venus does not equal the second house of your income (Jupiter is actually the planet pertaining to wealth). Scorpio is not equivalent to the eighth, Aquarius is not a stand in for the eleventh, Pisces is not interchangeable with the twelfth. 

Aries may be the first sign of the zodiac, if you work that way. But there are other ways to work, and other perspectives to take. For instance, Capricorn could be the first sign of the zodiac: when it is darkest in the northern hemisphere, think of a gestating seed; or if that feels limited, when the sun has bottomed out and begins its travel upwards (from our perspective on earth) from its most southerly declination at the Tropic of Capricorn. Which is also close to the rotational center of the Milky Way—the Galactic Center.

Or you might want to think of the sign Cancer as the first position. As it is the first house in the all-important Thema Mundi (see the diagram below). Vettius Valens, in his Anthology from the second century, writes: it is the house of the moon, feminine, solstitial, the Ascendant to the universe

With the Thema Mundi in mind, consider Jupiter's exaltation in Cancer (life giving and life promoting) versus Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (the seventh sign, and traditional house of death: the place of the setting sun). And Libra on the fourth, Saturn's place of exaltation: under ground, under earth, the crypt — also one's family, parents, origins, history, ancestors. Even Valens notes: “a diminisher of estates, the Lower Midheaven of the universe…” And Aries upon the tenth, where of course the Sun is exalted and shines maximally in its culmination: “the Midheaven of the universe and the cause of rank.”  Sexy Scorpio as the fifth sign; divinatory dream-rich Pisces on the ninth; Aquarius, Saturn's domain (a planet of death) on the eighth; and so on.

Give it thought. Expand your vision, exercise your mind, and end the habit. 

2. Outer Planet Rulership 

In my view it's absurd to even think about ruining the perfection and intelligence of this cosmic symmetry (above). If you still think Aquarius is ruled by Uranus—why? Why the willfulness and defensiveness around it. Actually, that may provide a clue in itself. If you have Aquarius on an important angle in your chart, or your Sun or Moon is there, and you just can't see yourself as Saturnian, you may possess a limited and mostly unfortunate view of Saturn. Please see Joseph Crane's Liberating Uranus and Aquarius

As for Mars and Scorpio, do you think it's okay to strip Mars of its transformational qualities? I don't. I doubt Mars does either. Please participate in restoring Mars' wildly potent transmutational and revolutionary sides. Much of this quality comes in and through this planet's connection to the sign Scorpio. Pluto does its own thing; sometimes very unrelated to Scorpio. Think about it.  

Same goes with Pisces and Jupiter. This is the sign of arts and music and great love, precisely because it is the exaltation of VENUS. And it's the sign of spirituality and dreams and exploring the collective psyche and unconscious, because it is the domain of Jupiter. Neptune conveys a few things related, sure, like with film and projected images (tied to the timing of its discovery). But we all know Neptune can signify a lot more than that, sometimes quite troublesome, nebulous, deceitful and draining in nature (significations taken from Saturn, honestly). These are habits of correlation that Pisces and Jupiter (and I) would like to see end. 

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto each mean so much more than what could possibly be derived from the zodiac signs. These are trans-personal, outer planets for a reason. They have more to offer, and to tell us, much like the asteroids actually. They govern over extremes and surprises, genius, and utter destruction, topics and areas that simply transcend the day to day experiences symbolized by the zodiac signs. Please liberate them from this treatment. 

3. Essentially Dignified Planets are always Awesome

So you have a planet in its own sign huh? Before your ego expands to wild dimension, I'd just like to remind you, so did Jeffrey Dahmer, FOUR of them. 

We say a planet that is essentially dignified has the power to do what it wants. It is the master of its domain. That may or may not be good for the native—and that may or may not be good for anyone else. A planet with power to do what it wants does not equate to doing the right thing or being very conscious, conscientious, aware, caring, or enlightened. A planet in its own domicile is actually, in a way, potentially limited, as it is focused on what it signifies (the planet/sign/house) sometimes to the exclusion of other topics (planets/signs/houses). So, without reception and aspects, or depending on the type available, these planets can sometimes signify a ruthless single-mindedness (and selfishness), and can lack communication with -or act supportive to- other areas of life or people or within oneself as signified in the chart. 

Also, if you're examining one of those oh-so important planets in their sign of exaltation—please remember that its dispositor is incredibly important. It literally has the power to make or break whatever this lucky planet signifies. Sometimes with a lack of continued coherence and support (or when in bad company) you'll see an exalted planet (person signified) behave in bombastically arrogant and ignorant ways, depending on what it rules or where it's posited. Additionally, a planet's immediate sign and house position is thought to signify the way something starts out, and where it disposits shows how the matter evolves or ends. So exalted planets that lead to less 'dignified' places, or lack reception, tell us a lot about where this matter is going . . . maybe nowhere.

A kind of natural confidence is usually what I think when I see dignified or exalted planets, but egoic problems and arrogance can ensue, especially in our culture where narcissism is rampant and a lack of compassion and empathy is pretty much encouraged. Please check your feeling of superiority. No one is finished with their work on this planet, that's why we're here.

4. Final Dispositor FOLLY

A final or sole dispositor in the chart is not always helpful and it is certainly not necessarily nice. For instance, having a planet like Saturn in Capricorn or Mars in Aries as the one and only dispositor might require a bit (or a lot) of extra caution. These two especially seem to wreak havoc. Capricorn being the nocturnal sign for Saturn, a planet that prefers the light of the day—and so diurnal signs, to warm its cold dry bones; and Aries for Mars, a nocturnal planet which can use some cooling and grounding, provided by earthy or watery (yin) signs—can both be prone to a bit of bullying, cruelty, and power-plays if not mitigated and/or used consciously. 

It also helps to have reception, especially mutual, to break up the dispositing. Several dispositors are good, or loops between them. Unless a chart is working for a benefic (in an advantageous house), sometimes the focus of a final dispositor can bring one down or bulldoze over others with its nature and unlimited pursuit for power. Even a planet like Venus, as I've seen many times with charts of people with drug or food addictions, can cause a lot of trouble for the native. 

5. North Node is Karmic and MOST Important

Seriously, it's an eclipse point. And it is the head of the dragon, Rahu, for a reason. Look at Donald Drumpf. And the south node, Ketu, also an eclipse point, is the tail—a place of release and resolution to be sure, but also a place of gifts and otherworldly wisdom, mysticism and spiritual liberation. Please do more research if you actually think the south node is just a useless point to be ignored and left behind, and that the north is entirely holy and the only way to go. Maybe in a ruthless, obsessive, money-hungry, endlessly accumulating, addictive culture Rahu is king. I'd like to think there is more to life. 

As for karma, if it exists as we think, it is represented by the whole chart—not just the nodes, not just Saturn, not just the twelfth house, and definitely not Pluto alone. 

6. Hard Aspects Are Bad

Squares are productive. Squares blend polarity, like antiscia does (and unlike oppositions actually). Blending polarities: yin/yang, feminine/masculine, can be wildly energetic, creative, and fruitful. It conveys an attempt to make something complete and whole, or brand new. We all know nothing happens without pressure, without attraction or repulsion, love and strife. Squares move us.

Of course this doesn't mean all squares are created equal. Like with oppositions, and especially those in close degree-based aspect with malefics (specifically three degrees or less in orb), they can indeed be crunchy and cruel —also notable here: their house rulership, and/or superior position, and other players. 

7. Easy Aspects Are Good, Especially Grand Trines

Smooth flowing aspects are comfortable, compatible, and can be very lazy. Yes, they can show natural talent and luck. They can also show being at ease, or being in a big rut. Especially with the grand trine, it is ideal to have one factor (at least) in square aspect to another planet. Thank the gods if you do. Here's someone who, sadly, did not

8. There is Only One Kind of Reception: Mutual 

Astrologers need to note all kinds of reception, including one-sided and mixed. I am personally a huge fan of mixed reception and even reception with minor dignities (i.e. Bounds, Decanates, etc.). And I think it is the key to practicing really good astrology. Reception between planets in aspect tell us how and where things are actually working and where there is likely disfunction. If a planet is compatible, comfortable, and supported in its contact with another planet it's like it is saying Yes, let's do this. And if it is uncomfortable within the contact and rejecting what is offered (for instance an aspect with a planet in the aspecting planet's place of fall or detriment) it's saying, No thanks, I don't want what you have to offer. Of course this can work for good or ill, in both cases. A malefic can be strengthened for instance receiving an aspect from a planet in said malefic's domicile or exaltation sign, and without a lot of awareness, that might not be a good thing at all!

Noting these kinds of connections, and rejection, lends a lot of refinement to your chart reading. There is a specificity and nuance that comes alive when you spend time with it. A deep study and consideration of this is well worth your time and effort.  

A good article on this is at the Gryphon Astrology site.

9. Peregrine Planets are Useless 

LOL. As I've already stated in several points above, so much depends on how planets disposit, and how (and by whom) they are received. A planet without essential dignity can be mightily supported with the right kind of reception and connection through aspects (by degree and whole sign!). A 'wandering' (peregrine) planet may even be more integrated in the chart as it communicates with several areas and topics if it is well received by several planets. This sort of thing could prove fruitful and unifying for several areas of the life! Too many planets that are essentially dignified, and not in reception, are not communicating with one another. These cases naturally lead me to wonder about a kind of fragmentation in the chart (and personality). Parts not conversant are indeed telling us something.

10. Debilitated Planets are Ineffective

It is my working/learning opinion that a planet not 'well-placed' by sign (including being in its detriment or fall) can have much influence and power to protect and foster the topics for houses it sees that are under its domain for one thing. Additionally, as my colleague Charlie Obert wrote about recently, there is a very real, tangible effect that comes with time and effort spent learning to be effective in realms these planets signify. All is not lost. 

You'll want to take note, as iterated many times above, the ways in which these planets disposit and are received. These are not minor details. In fact, especially note their so-called minor dignities. You'll see a planet in its own bound, decante, etc., can and does equate to a lot more than minor efficacy and power in actual practice. Well-supported debilitated planets, imo, may point out more than just issues to work on, they are likely the path, the life's work, the point. Bless them. 

Be well. 

p.s. the notion of sex and the eighth house isn't entirely accurate . . . more on this at another time 

A Similar Maleficence : Fred West

Preamble: I do not believe the planets, stars, or signs cause people to do horrific things. We cannot blame our chart for our problems. It is up to each one of us to decide how we will express and direct our energy and impulses. I believe there is a higher and lower expression to everything. The symbols do speak to and show where there may be difficulty - but it is often these very same influences that compel people to do the most interesting work.

Dahmer reverberates - 
Another horrible story.  

When I searched my database for another 'contrary to sect' Mars in Aries in the whole sign seventh house, I didn't come up with much - an athlete, an actor, a few others, sure...  However I was totally creeped out when I found an equally (to Dahmer) disturbing character, Fred West. He has not only the same basic signature (Mars Aries 7H) as Dahmer, but other shared degrees and sign placements. 

West, along with his wife, Rosemary, was a serial killer, rapist, zoophiliac, torturer, pedophile, incestual father, and all around general criminal. He likely suffered a brain injury in his teens (Aries rules the head, the battering ram, and is in opposition to his Sun in the whole sign first house of the body) - though this hardly explains the atrocities he committed as many suffer mild to extreme brain trauma and do not harm others.

Creepy, even as a child.

Creepy, even as a child.

The birth time on this chart is 'B' rated (from a biography), so there is a possibility it is not correct. I found it too curious however to see such sign similarities to Dahmer to not share.

In addition to the powerful out of sect malefic Mars in the seventh (Mars is generally less good for people who are born during the day), we see the signs: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn inhabited again, as was the case with Dahmer. Shockingly, if the time is indeed correct (though it's quite likely rounded off), they share the same zodiacal degree rising - the degree of the Sun at its maximum fall:  19+ Libra. 

Like Dahmer all the so-called (in ancient texts) "licentious, wanton, lecherous, and filthy sexed" signs are covered here. Capricorn again at the bottom of the chart, a house pertaining to death and burying the relatives under the family home (in very ancient times this was not a corrupt thing, but a place of burial for the ancestors) - and is exactly what he and his second wife maliciously did. Capricorn is inhabited by the Moon (its sign of detriment). The Moon (family, feelings, body, mother, the irrational) dominates Mars by square aspect - again, like Dahmer, Mars receives an aspect from a planet in Mars' sign of exaltation and seems to be empowered for the worse. And the Moon is in a superior trine to Saturn, the other malefic. Saturn (the almuten) an alternate ruler of the Ascendant is in Taurus (the Moon's exaltation) and sees the Moon occupying his own sign (Capricorn) while placed in the whole sign eighth house, another house of death. This is, once again, a lot of seeing and receiving between the three houses of death (4, 7, 8). See a previous post if you are scratching your head as to why these three houses pertain to death.  

Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio (a sign of detriment for Venus) and disposit to Mars. Mars is in fact the final or 'sole dispositor' of the chart. I find when a malefic is the sole dispositor [especially if it is the malefic of the sect not in favor = Mars, when the native is born during the day, and Saturn, if the person is born at night] that it can be quite problematic for a person, and extra care and conscientiousness must be worked on. 

And what about that grand trine in earth?  =  Moon  Saturn  Neptune 
Grand trines humorously garner a lot of attention for being a good thing - but it is entirely dependent on a) the planets involved, and b) the person's consciousness.
Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences has things (on the darker side) like this to say:

The sickness of the soul.. the inability to mature or develop emotionally.. a low character.. pessimism.. pathological states of depression..


Inner wheel: West
Outer wheel: Dahmer

One chilling point in the chart that compelled me to post is Rahu, the north node of the Moon and head of the dragon, it resides at 21+ Virgo the exact degree of Dahmer's north node in the twelfth house - a traditional house of imprisonment and self-undoing.  

If anyone has insights about this particular degree of Virgo, or other observations, please leave a comment. 


personal points on the cardinal axis : Abe Lincoln


I will use President Abraham Lincoln as an example to illuminate the power of Personal Points on the cardinal axis. But first a quick description of the personal points and the cardinal axis.

In Uranian Astrology (aka Symmetrical Astrology) personal points are a big deal. The six personal points are the Sun, Moon, the moon's Node[s], Midheaven (MC), Ascendant (AS), and Aries Point (meaning, zero degrees of any cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).  

Through the personal points we connect to things. Through the Sun we connect via our will, purpose, body. Through the Moon we connect through our feelings, emotions, and perception. The Ascendant connects us to our locale, our immediate environment, and the people in our environment. Through the MC we find our sense of "I" or "My," our soul connectedness; it is the place within, and a place we see the world from; and in a way I like to think of the MC as connecting us to spirit. The Nodes are all about connections or unions by themselves, showing us how and with whom we'll connect. And finally the Aries Point, which is both the cardinal axis and the intersection of two great circles (Ecliptic and Equator), is the way in which everyone and everything connects in and to the world. The Aries Point is the personal point we all share.

My teacher Gary Christen would say a person who has personal points on the cardinal axis will be very visible and known in the world. Though having personal points connected to the axis is not a requirement of visibility, you do find it shows up frequently, and is always descriptive of the way one connects to the world. In a minute you will see that President Lincoln serves as a great example of this.

What does it mean (technically) to have personal points on the cardinal axis? When we say a person has points on the axis we're not limiting this to their having planets or angles at precisely 0 degrees of the cardinal signs (or 29 mutable), though that works too. We're interested in whether they have personal points engaged and reflected around the axis as well. This is called antiscia: when points fall on either side of a 0 degree cardinal point in perfect symmetry

Note: Zero degrees Cancer/Capricorn are Solstice Points - zero Aries/Libra = [Equinox] Equinoctial points

And Antiscia, sometimes referred to as Solstice Points, have been used for a very long time. Hellenistic authors refer to them not infrequently. 

As an example, in the chart for today, we see that Mars resides at less than 1 degree Cancer. This means that Mars sits directly on the cardinal axis. 




And in another recent example, the chart for the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2011, we can see several points are in antiscia to one another on the cardinal axis.


Here we find Node Pluto in anitscia, and also Jupiter Ascendant (Note: AS is only relevant in the immediate locale - here in Seattle. Lucky us.) Node Pluto would be indicative of transformative and powerful connections, changing connections, possibly concealed or subversive connections, and likely some big developments and/or power struggles. 

Back to Abe. 

Let's first look at his chart on the classic pie wheel.

If the birth time we have for Lincoln is correct, we notice right away the powerfully angular Sun in Aquarius rising, and the Moon above the ascendant in Capricorn in the twelfth house. I find Saturn at the top of the chart (with Neptune) a very interesting feature, as it resides in the famous Gauquelin sector. Isn't Saturn so very appropriate for Lincoln? From his stature, to issues with melancholy, his reflective nature, social commitment, and responsibilities... And both the Sun and Moon of course disposit to that Saturn. I find it also quite fascinating that all five of the innermost planets, Sun through Mars, are in detriment (opposite the signs they rule). Just one planet, Jupiter, is in its own domicile (Pisces). 

Now let's look at the chart on the 360 degree dial. 

Look at those personal points! 

At first glance we see 4 of the 5 personal points sitting in reflection on the axis. The Sun lies antiscia to the Node, general connections in the public, to reach out and make contact, meetings with others. The Moon is antiscia to Saturn, connecting with laboring and suppressed people, work with the public (Moon), a public administrator; also feeling inhibited, somber, or lonely; and since it is the Moon this can also describe the woman he relates to (think of his wife and some of her difficulties). And- Ascendant to Node, connections with many in one's environment, many acquaintances, even a kind of 'group identity.'

We can also see that he has a powerful Venus Jupiter contra-antiscia. Lincoln literally saved the Union. 

Upon even closer examination- if you see where the tiny black dot is by the MC, the fifth and final point, the Midheaven, is actually pulled onto the axis at 22.5 degrees. 

This is easier to see on the 90 degree wheel:

If this birth time is indeed accurate, both the Ascendant and Midheaven stand on the axis, meaning President Lincoln has every single personal point on the cardinal axis.

We can most definitely say he is a man known in the world.

In concluding this post, I find it somewhat interesting that his Node is due to his Sun by solar arc . . .

Is he connecting with the world again?   ;-) 

The chart (the moment) (the person) (the connection) lives on . . .

Be well.