a global perspective
astrology's original midpoint
painting above by Hilma af Klint
Antiscia are reflections around the solstice and equinox points. The word scia comes from the Greek and it means shadow. Points in antiscia mirror one another across the solstitial axis, which means they share the same amount of daylight (or power). With antiscia, the solstice is the center of the midpoint. Points in contra-antiscia share the same ascensional ‘rising’ time (and so connect signs that are thought to ‘ripen’ together). With contra-antiscia, the heart of the midpoint is the equinox. Therefore, thinking of them as mirroring degrees and points of reflection makes good sense.
“Twelfth century philosopher and astrologer Ibn Ezra wrote: “You always have to look at degrees that are of the same ascension. An example is when one planet is 10 degrees Aries and the other is at 20 degrees Pisces, so the distance of both of them from the Line of Justice [equinox axis] is equal and they are considered as being in conjunction.”
Antiscia are relevant for everyone because these symmetries fall around the cardinal axis, which is a point (or axis) we all share. The axis is comprised of the zero-degree entry point of each of the four cardinal signs: 0 Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn (as well as the very final degree of each mutable sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). These points mark the beginning of each season at the summer and winter solstice and spring and fall equinox. (Though these points are midseason in some cultures.)
This axis, also known as the Aries Point, is an expression of the intersection of two Great Circles: the ecliptic (the sun's path) and the earth's equator. The Aries Point is the node of the sun, and 0 Aries begins the tropical zodiac.
Antiscia are perfectly symmetrical openings equidistant to each cardinal point. Planets and/or points (such as ascendant, midheaven, node) are in antiscia when they precisely reflect one another across the cardinal axis. (I use a one to two degree orb of influence.)
Everyone and everything on the planet is affected by the changing seasons, the turning of the earth, and the sun's path (from our perspective). Therefore, planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia are thought to be felt and experienced by all.
Cardinal Axis:
While antiscia has been known about and used since ancient times, it has been fairly neglected for the last few centuries. Ancient astrologers referred to the points as having 'sympathy.' Certainly these symmetries connect two seemingly unconnected or un-aspected degrees of the zodiac. But really antiscia are quite basic. Because they are based on something so real, the sun's movement and visible sunlight, their value has likely been underestimated.
Antiscia connections sometimes show up strongly in synastry (across charts in chart comparison). And I find transits, progressions, and directions by antiscia very potent as well. When people have these connections in their own birth chart, the two or more planets combined are usually quite obvious in some way. This is because they are tied strongly to the cardinal axis, the point which links all earthly inhabitants to the world itself.
For a more historical perspective, I recommend an article by Deborah Houlding on Skyscript.
I offer a monthly list of antiscia that highlights what is on the cardinal axis right now. This means in a mundane sense, it is an aspect for the world. You may also want to note transiting points (to natal planets) in your own birth chart. I am available for mentoring if that is of interest.
With the example images above, Venus and Saturn are in antiscia (wheel on left) and in contra-antiscia (wheel on right). We might consider what Venus with Saturn means: love, creativity, arts, beauty, desire, and relationship meets a need for structure, boundaries, concrete expression, discipline, truth, practicality, distance and separation, or endurance. Saturn cools and dries Venus’ moist nature. It will solidify or constrict Venus' significations. Maybe there's a preference for a minimalist aesthetic, an ideal form, or an enjoyment of abstracted or conceptual ideas and designs, or maybe functionality is paramount. With antiscia we want to consider how it might play out in world events. Or if it's a personal transit, ask ourselves if it's time to get more serious about something we love, make a stronger commitment, or move into a more contemplative space, take some time to be alone, maybe even let something go. How much do we need? What is truly important? …
Lou Reed is an example of someone with Venus Saturn in combination on the axis. “Reed’s songs were generally minimalist, sometimes self-consciously poetic, and usually delivered with a deadpan vocal that was all the more haunting, given the songs’ subject matter.”
“Venus in Furs” and Romanticism…
I think working intentionally with or just noting the daily combinations of planetary antiscia can be a fruitful and interesting way to learn.
In addition to the list of monthly antiscia I post, I will periodically delineate planetary pairs. But even without my delineation you can use the list by simply considering for yourself what the two planets in connection mean. They are planetary pairs and any resource for midpoints or planets in combination can be valuable to consider.
Some good reference books for help with planetary pairs and keywords:
More Diagrams
It takes some practice to begin seeing planets in antiscia easily in a regular chart, like in Hendrix’s below. Because antiscia and contra-antiscia are reflections across the cardinal axis, we count degree openings from each of the zero cardinal points in order to find connections. For instance, 25 degrees Cancer is the reflection of 5 degrees Gemini, 12 degrees Aries is the reflection of 18 degrees Virgo, and so on. As you can imagine, this is sometimes tricky to see right away. Note that it is always a cardinal sign that connects to a mutable sign, and the fixed signs link to fixed. Also note that the sum always equals 30 (12 Aries + 18 Virgo = 30 degrees). The easiest, error-proof way to find antiscia is to utilize software. Morinus offers a free open-source program which does the calculations for you. I will show you here how to find points in antiscia and contra-antiscia using two other programs: Solar Fire and Nova Chartwheels.
Using Jimi Hendrix as an example, let's examine planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia.
Birth chart
As you can see in this chart, planets in antiscia don't necessarily pop out at you. With repetition it does become easier, I promise. Also, make use of the diagram on my worksheet page.
Pay the most attention to degree-based connections, and use small orbs. But take note of whole sign connections as well!
In the case of Hendrix, we see early degrees of mutable Gemini and Sagittarius occupied, as well as late degrees of cardinal Cancer. This draws my attention immediately. Since I know Gemini and Cancer are connected by antiscia, and Cancer and Sagittarius are by contra-antiscia. Next we need to figure out if these are close enough connections to be very strong. The closer the orb the better! I recommend a less than three degree orb, and I prefer one degree! :)
My favorite program for working with charts symmetrically (midpoints, antiscia, planetary pictures) is Nova Chartwheels (see below). Connections are so visible they nearly leap out at you. Nova also offers a list of antiscia by sign and degree for every planet and point in the chart (below right). This is very helpful for transits and connections across charts in synastry.
list of antiscia for Hendrix
When we examine Hendrix's chart we see the Sun is posited at 4 degrees 50 minutes Sagittarius, and Jupiter sits at 24 deg 51 min Cancer; this is roughly 5 Sagittarius and 25 Cancer. Looking at the list of antiscia (above) we see the reflection for the Sun is 25+ Capricorn (an opposition to Jupiter in Cancer), and Jupiter's reflection is 5+ Gemini (opposite the natal Sun position in Sagittarius). Oppositions in the list reflect contra-antiscia. With the case of his Moon Uranus connection, we see the antiscion points are conjunct the natal placements - roughly 2 degrees Gemini and 28 Cancer respectively.
Antiscia with Solar Fire
The software Solar Fire is shown to the right and below. With this program you can make antiscia charts, then utilize an outer wheel to examine antiscia and contra-antiscia around the natal chart - just as you would when looking at transits or synastry charts. Here, antiscia/contra-antiscia connections look like conjunctions (highlighted in pink).
Summary for Hendrix
Moon antiscia Uranus
Sun contra-antiscia Jupiter
Moon contra-antiscia Mercury
Another fast and simple way to find antiscia in Solar Fire is to use the Aries Point in the chart. (See the image below.) You then search under Reports in the side panel and look under Midpoint Trees. There you'll find all of the symmetrical openings (i.e. midpoints) a.k.a. antiscia around the Aries Point. Make sure to change your Modulus to 90'00 to capture both antiscia and contra-antiscia.